Jun 8, 2009

End of term exams

It has to happen doesn't it?

Yep exams. I have 4 maths exams (aren't I lucky). Oh well, you always get that great sigh of relief after they're done. Then winter holidays.

Northern Hemisphere Person: Huh? it's not winter.

Me: I come from the southern hemisphere.

NHP: What? There's a southern hemisphere?

Me: Yes, we have different seasons

NHP: That's stoopid

Sorry, but I had to get that rant out of me.


That's actually how some people are to me.

I'm not kidding.


Timmobber has just started a Blogspot!

Hey guys n gals,

If you've come from youtube you'll know me as Timmobber, if you've come from Machinima.com or somewhere else you'll know me as Timgie. Or you might even know me as both! Anyway, I'll hopefully keep this a hub of stuff and things to do with me or my creative stuff and things.

Custom backgrounds and stuff and things coming soon!
