Jun 8, 2009

End of term exams

It has to happen doesn't it?

Yep exams. I have 4 maths exams (aren't I lucky). Oh well, you always get that great sigh of relief after they're done. Then winter holidays.

Northern Hemisphere Person: Huh? it's not winter.

Me: I come from the southern hemisphere.

NHP: What? There's a southern hemisphere?

Me: Yes, we have different seasons

NHP: That's stoopid

Sorry, but I had to get that rant out of me.


That's actually how some people are to me.

I'm not kidding.



limanardo said...

HEY!!!!! thats offence i live in the northern hemisphere and im not dumb!! well.....ok i am a bit but i knew that there was a southern hemispere!!!
sorry bout that just had to get that off my chest.


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